We're open for the 2024 season!

You can feel good about serving meals that feature fresh ingredients from Marshall’s Farm Market. Our produce is picked daily, our eggs are from pasture-raised chickens and our meats are 100% humanely raised and butchered. After all, our products are grown and raised on our second-generation farm by fourth generation farmers.


‘When I was a kid, everything on the dinner table was right off the farm: meat, vegetables, fruits, eggs … in fact, we started offering meats in 2004 because we wanted our customers’ families to eat how our family ate: beautiful, healthy meals every night.’

Carrie and Greg are fourth generation farmers. Carrie’s parents farmed, her grandparents farmed, and her great grandparents farmed. And while today there are modern technologies that help with efficiencies, Carrie says, ‘in many ways we farm the way my great grandfather farmed.’

George Marshall, Carrie’s dad, bought his Eden Prairie farm in 1953. That farm helped supply Rogers roadside market at county roads 1 and 4, operated by Harry and Evelyn Rogers. Harry, a mentor and friend to Carrie’s dad, practiced truck farming and sold vegetables from a wheelbarrow in front of the stand. The Marshall family worked with the Rogers family at the farm market for several years before Harry passed it on to the Marshalls in the late 1980s.

Carrie and Greg, owners

“Feeding this community is so much more than producing food. It’s about creating a place for people to come together and support each other, to make friends and meet neighbors. It’s about taking care of each other. We are so blessed to live this bountiful life.” 
– Carrie and Greg, owners


Carrie and Greg, who own and operate the market as well as a local farm, are committed to practicing sustainable farming. Examples include: